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Feisty Shawl: Free Knitting Pattern

Feisty is a super squishy garter shawl that is easy to make but full of interest. It’s great for beginner knitters and anyone looking to get the full effect from some stellar yarn. It has a simple swoosh construction and is made with large needles so it’s loose and airy. Can easily be adapted to a tighter knit or a regular size shawl with smaller needles and/or lighter weight yarn.

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Did you know that Caron Simply Soft comes in speckles? I didn't. And I'm thrilled. Why? Because I generally buy bargain yarn, and speckles are IN, but hardly any is available in craft store yarn.


I stumble on this:

And I gasp. Because Caron's Simple Soft yarn is literally one of my favorites and is pretty much THE go-to for my easy and mindless TV knitting, gifts, and brainstorming because it's inexpensive, durable, comes is so many colors, and is truly very lovely to the touch, especially for an acrylic yarn. And now in SPECKLES! Oh, yes!

I immediately had to order some to give it a try, and it did not disappoint. No awkward color blocks or pooling, and the same great softness I love. I think the Chille Flakes I got was a beautiful mix and would have easily looked good with five of the related oranges, red, corals, etc. Now I'm dying to try the other seven speckle colorways they offer!


Caron’s Simply Soft yarn in 3 colors:

MC - 1 Skein 6oz, 315 yds

CC1 - 1 Skein 6oz, 315 yds

CC2 - 1 Skein 6oz, 315 yds

In the sample, MC is Simpy Soft Speckles in Chille Flakes, CC1 is Simply Soft in Harvest Red, and CC2 is Simple Soft in Autumn Red.

Tools and Notions:

U.S. size 13/9.0mm with 24”/60cm or longer circular knitting needles

Yarn needle


10 sts and 24 rows = 4”x4” in garter stitch

Finished Size:

One size, asymmetrical, measuring 135” long and 20” at the widest section.


  • MC: Main color/CC1: Contrast color one/CC2: Contrast color two

  • CO: Cast on/BO: Bind off

  • K: Knit

  • KFB: Knit front and back

  • K2tog: Knit two stitches together

  • YO: Yarn over

  • ST(S): Stitch(es)



With CC1 and U.S. size 13/9.0mm needles, CO 4 STS


(Throughout the whole shawl, these two rows will be worked so as to increase the shawl by one stitch every other row.)

Row 1: KFB, K to last two STS, K2tog.

Row 2: K to last ST, KFB. (5 STS)

Continuing in CC1, repeat increase rows (R1 + R2) 51 more times. You should end up with 56 STS on the needles. Do not break the yarn.


Single Ribbing Section:

(Carry the currently unused yarn color up the increase edge throughout the project, only breaking when indicated.)

Join MC and work Rows 1-2

Eyelet Section:

Switch to CC1 and work Rows 1, 2, then 1 again

Continuing with CC1, (k3, k2tog, yo) repeat until 3 sts remain, k2, kfb

Work Rows 1-2 again

Double Ribbing Section:

Switch to MC and work Rows 1-2 two times

Repeat sections, alternating between CC1 and MC:

(CC1)Eyelet Section

(MC)Double Ribbing Section

(CC1)Eyelet Section

(MC)Single Ribbing Section

(CC1)Single Ribbing Section

(MC)Eyelet Section

(CC1)Double Ribbing Section

(MC)Eyelet Section

(CC1)Double Ribbing Section

(MC)Eyelet Section

(CC1)Single Ribbing Section(At this point, break CC1 yarn and weave in the end.)

Picking up MC, work Rows 1-2 five times. You should end up with 101 STS on the needles. Do not break the yarn.


Join CC2 and work Single Ribbing Section

Repeat sections, alternating between MC and CC2:

(MC)Eyelet Section

(CC2)Double Ribbing Section

(MC)Eyelet Section

(CC2)Double Ribbing Section

(MC)Eyelet Section

(CC2)Single Ribbing Section

(MC)Single Ribbing Section

(CC2)Eyelet Section

(MC)Double Ribbing Section

(CC2)Eyelet Section

(MC)Double Ribbing Section

(CC2)Eyelet Section

(MC)Single Ribbing Section(At this point, break MC yarn and weave in the end.)

Picking up CC2, work Rows 1-2 eight times.


BO all sts loosely. (If you do not bind off loosely, the garment will not lie flat at the finished edge, but will instead curl up.)

With yarn needle, weave in remaining ends. Block if desired. (Note: Blocking will SIGNIFICANTLY increase the finished size if pulled tightly since the weave is very loose.)

Experiment! I made this one with a worsted weight yarn as the main color and it made no difference as to the finished size of the garment because I used such big needles. Planning on sometime making one with smaller needles to see how the size compares.

Happy knitting!

I love making patterns and giving people inspiration. If you have questions or find a flaw in the pattern, don't hesitate to contact me!

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