Mulberry Grove
In 2020, our family moved to rural Iowa to a neglected farm, rolled up our sleeves (my husband says he cut his sleeves off), and got to work. We're fulfilling a lifelong dream of doing things from scratch, living off the land, caring for our critters, and raising our kids to know the value of faith in God, learning from everything, working hard, and enjoying the fruits of our labor.
Who We Are
We are Matt, Bethany, Aria, Vladimir, and Laurel. Mainly, this website is me, Bethany, but nothing that happens at our farm goes on without the enormous contributions of my hard-working husband and our band of crazy children. We have a quirky herd of sheep, mostly Icelandics, that form the base of our operation.
I'm all about doing things from scratch, including gardening, cooking, preserving. We raise chickens for eggs(and the fun of watching them eat bugs around the yard). We raise sheep, goats, and cattle for meat. The hubby goes pheasant and deer hunting each fall. We forage for chokecherries, rose hips, and elderberries.
But I don't want to just stop at food. We also sew, knit, crochet, and tan hides. I design knitting patterns for all kinds of garments and accessories. We're always up for a new adventure. So join us as we dive in and learn to weave, dye yarn and fabric, make soap, create tools, woodwork, and DIY renovate our old house, among many other things.